
Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Vault CRM Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault ePRO Vault QuickVault Veeva China SFA Veeva Crossix Veeva Compass Veeva Link Veeva Mobile Veeva RTSM Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US ePRO Vault-US CDMS-US QuickVault-US AP Region MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU ePRO Vault-EU CDMS-EU VCRM-US SBX EU Region VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD ePRO Vault-AP CDMS-AP US Region WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VCRM-EU SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VCRM-AP SBX VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VDM22 VA-EU-5 VDM30 VA-EU-6 VDM40 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 SANDBOX30 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 VV1-1179 VV2-2144 VV3-3130 VV2-2149 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 VV1-1182 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 VV1-1188 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 cdb-302 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 cdb-1004 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-1194 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV2-2145 VV1-1082 VV2-2146 VV1-1084 VV2-2147 VV1-1088 VV2-2148 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193 VV1-1194 VV1-1195 VV1-1196
Aug-29, 2:13am PDT

Veeva Vault PODs in the Asia Pacific and US West Coast Regions are currently experiencing intermittent degraded performance.  Veeva engineering teams are working to return the service to normal as quickly as possible.

Aug-29, 4:31am PDT

Affected Veeva Vault PODs are now fully available with all services operating normally.

Vault CRM Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault ePRO Vault QuickVault MyVeeva-US VA-US MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US ePRO Vault-US CDMS-US QuickVault-US VA-US-2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU ePRO Vault-EU CDMS-EU VCRM-US SBX VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD ePRO Vault-AP CDMS-AP VA-US-SBX VCRM-EU SBX VA-EU VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VCRM-AP SBX VA-EU-3 VA-EU-4 VA-EU-5 VA-EU-6 VA-EU-SBX VA-AP VA-AP-SBX VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 VV1-1179 VV2-2144 VV3-3130 VV2-2149 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 VV1-1182 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 VV1-1188 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 cdb-302 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 cdb-1004 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-1194 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV2-2145 VV1-1082 VV2-2146 VV1-1084 VV2-2147 VV1-1088 VV2-2148 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193 VV1-1194 VV1-1195 VV1-1196
Aug-16, 1:30am PDT

Veeva Auth is scheduled to be upgraded to the latest release.
No downtime is expected although some customers may experience a short service interruption during the maintenance window.

What: Veeva Auth
When:  01:30 PST Aug-16-2024
Estimated Duration: Up to 45 mins
Affected PODs:  All Veeva PODs


For updates regarding system availability, please refer to the Veeva Trust Site.
If you have further questions, please submit a ticket with Veeva Product Support.

Aug-16, 2:15am PDT

Scheduled Maintenance closed.

August 15 2024,6:10pm PDT
Vault CRM Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault ePRO Vault MyVeeva-US VA-US MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US ePRO Vault-US CDMS-US VA-US-2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU ePRO Vault-EU CDMS-EU VCRM-US SBX VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD ePRO Vault-AP CDMS-AP VA-US-SBX VCRM-EU SBX VA-EU VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VCRM-AP SBX VA-EU-3 VA-EU-4 VA-EU-5 VA-EU-6 VA-EU-SBX VA-AP VA-AP-SBX VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 VV1-1179 VV2-2144 VV3-3130 VV2-2149 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 VV1-1182 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 VV1-1188 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 cdb-302 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 cdb-1004 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-1194 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV2-2145 VV1-1082 VV2-2146 VV1-1084 VV2-2147 VV1-1088 VV2-2148 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193 VV1-1194 VV1-1195 VV1-1196
Aug-15, 6:10pm PDT

Veeva Vault PODs in Region Veeva Vault are currently experiencing  degraded performance for some SSO customers.  Veeva engineering teams are working to return the service to normal as quickly as possible.

Aug-15, 6:58pm PDT

 The latest hotfix is the cause of this issue. The  team is going to generate an emergency deployment to QA and then it will executed in production.

Aug-15, 7:45pm PDT

Affected Veeva Vault PODs are now fully available with all services operating normally.

Aug-16, 8:06am PDT

An update regarding this incident.

A change applied to Vault Auth on Thursday 15 August 2024 at 5pm PT led to certain users being unable to access Vault.

The issue was not POD-specific.

The issue arose from a defect that incorrectly enforced case sensitivity when a Federated ID user name is verified against the Identity Provider. Previously the check was case insensitive.

Impacted users were those with Federated ID user names that do not exactly match the IDP value.

A Root Cause Analysis is being prepared.

Aug-16, 8:23am PDT

To better reflect the incident scope and impact, the title of this Trust entry is changed from:

Vault Performance Degradation affecting all PODs in Region Veeva Vault


Vault login failures for some users

Aug-22, 5:46am PDT

A brief note that the Veeva Quality & Compliance team has adjudicated this topic as requiring an Incident Report, which builds upon and supersedes an RCA. The RCA content already well under way will be augmented by a deliberative process leading to formal CAPAs tracked by Veeva Q&C. This extends the timeframe of a detailed report by several days owing to the heightened review process and the development and approvals of formal CAPAs as required by an Incident Report.

The Incident Report is a top priority. We will update this Trust entry within several days with the status of the Incident Report.

Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Vault CRM Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault ePRO Vault Veeva China SFA Veeva Crossix Veeva Compass Veeva Link Veeva Mobile Veeva RTSM Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US ePRO Vault-US CDMS-US MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU ePRO Vault-EU CDMS-EU VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD ePRO Vault-AP CDMS-AP WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VDM22 VA-EU-5 VDM30 VA-EU-6 VDM40 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 SANDBOX30 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 VV1-1179 VV2-2144 VV3-3130 VV2-2149 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 VV1-1182 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 VV1-1188 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 cdb-302 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 cdb-1004 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-1194 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV2-2145 VV1-1082 VV2-2146 VV1-1084 VV2-2147 VV1-1088 VV2-2148 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193 VV1-1194 VV1-1195 VV1-1196
Jul-25, 6:00pm PDT

Vault CDMS 24R1.0.33 HF is scheduled for production release on 07/25/2024 to CDMS PODs:

VV1-22, VV1-1090, VV2-2092, VV1-1127, VV1-1139, VV1-1148, VV1-1159, VV1-1161, VV1-1174, VV1-1175, VV1-1193, VV2-2142, VV3-3121, VV1-1194

The CDMS Utility services will not be available from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM PST.

Jul-25, 8:30pm PDT

Scheduled Maintenance closed.

Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Vault CRM Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault ePRO Vault Veeva China SFA Veeva Crossix Veeva Compass Veeva Link Veeva Mobile Veeva RTSM Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US ePRO Vault-US CDMS-US MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU ePRO Vault-EU CDMS-EU VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD ePRO Vault-AP CDMS-AP WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VDM22 VA-EU-5 VDM30 VA-EU-6 VDM40 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 SANDBOX30 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 VV1-1179 VV2-2144 VV3-3130 VV2-2149 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 VV1-1182 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 VV1-1188 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 cdb-302 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 cdb-1004 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-1194 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV2-2145 VV1-1082 VV2-2146 VV1-1084 VV2-2147 VV1-1088 VV2-2148 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193 VV1-1194 VV1-1195 VV1-1196
May-15, 9:30am PDT

Outage Retrospective and Next Steps

The following is an update regarding the Vault outages that occurred on 22, 23, and 24 April 2024. 

The Incident Report was made available on May 7 and details the changes implemented, particularly on the evening of 24 April, that led to Vault Auth stability. The Incident Report is available via Support or your account team.

The six areas of Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPAs) tracked in Veeva’s QMS, covering the following areas: 







The detailed work to size and scope the specific action is now underway, with a target of August 7th for a definitive set of plans. In addition to the formal CAPA process, Vault engineering is undergoing a complete code review to identify any other, similar, code inefficiencies. These changes will be available once fully tested. In addition, more awareness and oversight has been given to Vault application design and coding practices pertaining to the use of Vault’s Auth service.  

For further details, please refer to the Incident Report.

May-31, 2:22pm PDT

Outage Retrospective (31 May 2024)

The following is an update regarding the Vault outages that occurred on 22, 23, and 24 April 2024.

Recall from the last update (15 May) that the Incident Report (IR) was made available on 7 May. The IR identified six areas of Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPAs) tracked in Veeva’s QMS, covering the following areas: 







To date there are 12 groupings of Development efforts applied across the 6 CAPAs. Each grouping (or "epic") encompasses a range of discrete efforts. Many efforts have been addressed. Many are currently being worked. Others have been or are being scoped and assigned.

To illustrate, one epic exists to reduce Vault Auth calls by caching operational metadata information. This particular epic pertains to the CAPA: VAULT APPLICATION CODE AND VAULT INFRASTRUCTURE. There are 100 discrete work efforts within this epic. As of this update, 43 of the items have been addressed.

Many of the other epics are of a similar scale and composition.

The work done to categorize, size, assign, and work these items puts us in a good position to meet the 7 August due date to assess the ultimate completion dates of all discrete efforts representing a given CAPA.

This work is over and above the awareness and oversight given to Vault application design and coding practices pertaining to the use of Vault’s Auth service.  

Aug-12, 1:28pm PDT

Outage Retrospective and Next Steps (12 August 2024)

The following is an update regarding actions taken by Vault teams to address the root causes of the Vault Auth outages that occurred on 22, 23, and 24 April 2024. 

Recall that an Incident Report was provided on 7 May 2024 that detailed the changes implemented to that time, particularly on the evening of 24 April 2024, that led to Vault Authentication Services (“Vault Auth”) stability. (The Incident Report is accessible via your Veeva account team members.)

The Incident Report further outlined six Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPAs) tracked in Veeva’s QMS, covering the following areas: 







Each CAPA represents a significant effort on its own. In the months since the outage events, Vault teams have engaged in concentrated efforts to complete the CAPAs. While a target of 7 August 2024 was initially established to determine completion dates for the six CAPAs, and this has been accomplished, much work has gone into addressing each CAPA in addition to sizing and scoping remaining items. As a consequence of the work starting at the time of the event continuing unabated since, Vault Auth pressure has been significantly reduced and Vault Auth stability has been attained.

Remaining efforts now mostly entail complex architectural modifications requiring multiple releases to implement. The aim of these efforts is to allow for continued Vault platform growth and stability for years to come.

What follows is a summary of each CAPA with their respective anticipated release completion timeframes.


[DEV-714916] Enhancements to Vault Auth architecture

Target release for completion: 25R1

A key aspect of this CAPA is to offload Vault Auth of all but user authentication handling responsibility–a significant architectural change. This and other efforts represented by this CAPA are divided among 4 separate development threads. They encompass, in total, 45 individual work efforts, 22 of which have been closed. The remaining items require work efforts that span releases given their complexity and scope.


​[DEV-714918] Enhancements to Vault application code and Vault infrastructure to reduce Vault Auth calls

Target release for completion: 24R3.3

This effort constitutes 8 major efforts. Combined, these efforts specify 326 individual work efforts, of which 284 are completed. Remaining efforts targeted for the 24R3.3 Limited Release will materialize in the 25R1 General Release.


[DEV-714923] A comprehensive investigation continues into the outages

Target release for completion: 25R1

18 of the 20 tasks associated with this effort have been completed. The CAPA remains open to allow for the remaining two items to be accomplished in a deliberative manner.


[DEV-714924] Expand test processes to identify excessive Vault Auth accesses earlier in the development cycle


This CAPA consisted of 3 discrete efforts that stress tested Vault Auth and led to scripts that can be reapplied in ongoing performance testing.


[DEV-714926] Improve Vault monitoring tools to support more granular analysis when events occur

Target release for completion: 25R1

There are a total of 9 tickets constituting this CAPA, with 4 completed to date. Remaining items are architecturally complex and will take time to implement.


​[DEV-714928] Ensure that expansion of Vault PODs and Vault instances accounts for impacts to Vault Auth


This effort introduces enhancements to documentation and tracking of Vault POD and Vault capacity planning to reflect additional context into Vault POD and Vault capacity planning processes.

In summary, Veeva continues to harden Vault Auth while simultaneously reducing its scope of activities. The actions taken to date have led to gains in stability. Remaining actions build on this momentum and improve the scalability and reliability of Vault Auth to accommodate future expansion.

Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Vault CRM Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault Veeva China SFA Veeva Crossix Veeva Compass Veeva Link Veeva Mobile Veeva RTSM Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs SiteVault-US VCRM-US PROD VCRMA-US CDMS-US MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs SiteVault-EU VCRMA-EU CDMS-EU VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs SiteVault-AP VCRM-EU PROD CDMS-AP WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VCRM-AP PROD VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VDM22 VA-EU-5 VDM30 VA-EU-6 VDM40 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 SANDBOX30 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 cdb-201 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 cdb-13 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 cdb-15 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV3-3131 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-1193 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV1-1082 VV1-1084 VV1-1088 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190 VV1-1192 VV1-1193
Apr-25, 12:00pm PDT

Vault Outage - Authentication Service


Outage and Current Status

The recent issues with load on the authentication cluster resulted in the following outages:

  • Post Release 24R1: Monday, April 22, Tuesday, April 23, Wednesday, April 24

  • Post Infrastructure upgrade:  Monday, March 25

As of April 25th, we have applied code fixes that appear to have stabilized the system.  We will have full confidence once the service has run for a week or more without downtime. There was no security issue related to customer data, no loss of customer data, and the outage was not a result of a security attack by an outside party.

The authentication cluster (many virtual computers) is a central point of failure because it controls security access. Security of course is critically important. If the whole authentication cluster is down, all Vaults are down. The authentication cluster is designed to be redundant and highly available and historically has been until this recent outage.

In each outage case, the authentication cluster became overloaded and unable to process requests.  The Veeva Engineering and Operations teams restored service by stopping the service, clearing the traffic and doing rolling, gradual restarts of the global Vault Points of Delivery (PODs).  The restoration of service resulted in outages varying from 1-3 hours depending on the POD. 

We take our commitment to delivering a reliable and performant service very seriously. With these outages, we recognize that we're falling short on that commitment. Veeva's entire leadership team is aware of the impact this has on your businesses and we are mobilizing all appropriate resources to both determine root cause and minimize the risk of future disruption.

Background: Vault Authentication Cluster

The Vault authentication cluster is a multi-region service ( that provides authentication to all vaults around the world.  There are over 200 Vault PODs are located in 4 major Amazon regions (APAC, Europe, US East and US West). The PODs run the applications for all end users and API access.  Authentication services support the verification of user credentials before passing that user along to their respective Vaults. 

To optimize performance and provide redundancy, Vault’s authentication cluster is comprised for four different server groupings:  a primary (controlling) server located in US East that supports both reading and writing to the authentication service as well as 3 secondary servers that are read-only and located in each of the other regions – APAC, Europe and US West.  

The read-only servers are synchronized with the primary server and can act as fail-overs should hardware issues take the primary server offline.   Having regionally accessible read-only authentication provides faster user experience when Vaults need to confirm active, valid sessions.  The primary server needs to support read/write activities such as adding new users and processing all logins (where it not only validates the user’s credentials, but also writes login information to Vault’s login audit trail).

Outage Investigation, Findings & Corrective Actions

Over the last several days, Vault has experienced abnormal usage patterns that have bypassed our standard monitoring and service protection features.   This has come with an obvious increase of traffic (amount of data sent and received), major spikes in connection usage and an inability to recover after the surge of connections without operational intervention.

It appears at this time that the abnormal usage was not caused by an increase in user traffic, but rather software bugs in the Veeva code that were causing too many calls to the authentication cluster in certain usage patterns. We have fixed two of the more significant bugs and will fix more over time.   These code changes make the code more efficient, but they do not compromise the security in any way.

Next Steps

We will continue with our hypercare monitoring until the system has proven to be stable for many days. We will continue to identify and fix any appropriate software bugs that are contributing to the issue. And we will develop a longer term plan to address the root causes of how the software bugs were introduced in the first place. We will also formalize and share all findings in the Incident Report that includes root cause analysis.  This report takes approximately 10 business days from the time we identify the root cause to being available to all customers.


Did you consider failing over to your backup Authentication or rolling back the release?

Failover is not appropriate when the issue is traffic related.  If we failover to new hardware, we will simply bring the problem to the new hardware. Given that we saw this pattern, in hindsight, in March, we did not feel it was directly attributable to the latest release.  

Is it related to VeevaID?

No, it is not related to VeevaId.  VeevaId has dedicated connection pools and volume of VeevaId requests are more easily measured and not yet significant.

Is this related to a DDoS attack? What are the cybersecurity and data integrity implications?

The reason that we believe that is not a cyber attack is that we are seeing the majority of traffic coming from authenticated processing or internal processing. There is not a high volume of direct access from anything other than expected sources.  There is no impact whatsoever on data integrity or data loss stemming from this issue.

Were Vault Sandboxes taken offline and should we expect that going forward?

We had plans in place to take the sandboxes offline if the service issues continued on Thursday.  However, the remediations we put in place were sufficient to restore the service without impact to the sandboxes.  We do not have any future plans to take the sandboxes offline, nor do we see any such need at this time.

May-15, 9:30am PDT

Outage Retrospective and Next Steps

The following is an update regarding the Vault outages that occurred on 22, 23, and 24 April 2024. 

The Incident Report was made available on May 7 and details the changes implemented, particularly on the evening of 24 April, that led to Vault Auth stability. The Incident Report is available via Support or your account team.

The six areas of Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPAs) tracked in Veeva’s QMS, covering the following areas: 







The detailed work to size and scope the specific action is now underway, with a target of August 7th for a definitive set of plans. In addition to the formal CAPA process, Vault engineering is undergoing a complete code review to identify any other, similar, code inefficiencies. These changes will be available once fully tested. In addition, more awareness and oversight has been given to Vault application design and coding practices pertaining to the use of Vault’s Auth service.  

For further details, please refer to the Incident Report.

April 19 2024,5:33pm PDT
Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Vault CRM Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Vault CRM Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva SiteVault Veeva China SFA Veeva Crossix Veeva Compass Veeva Link Veeva Mobile Veeva RTSM Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VDM22 VA-EU-5 VDM30 VA-EU-6 VDM40 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 SANDBOX30 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN VV1-4001 VV2-5001 VV3-6001 CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 VV1-1082 VV3-3122 VV2-2097 VV2-5000 VV1-4000 VV3-6000 VV1-1187 VV2-2145 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 VV1-1110 VV2-2129 VV2-2092 VV3-3121 VV1-1189 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 VV1-1111 VV2-2142 VV1-1191 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 VV1-1160 cdb-7 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 cdb-9 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 cdb-11 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV3-3121 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-17 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-22 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-37 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV3-3127 VV1-1090 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV3-3128 VV1-1127 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV3-3129 VV1-1134 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-1139 VV3-3130 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-1148 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-1158 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-1159 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-1161 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-1174 VV1-26 VV1-1175 VV2-2092 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV2-2136 VV1-1068 VV2-2137 VV1-1069 VV2-2138 VV1-1073 VV2-2139 VV1-1074 VV2-2140 VV1-1076 VV2-2141 VV1-1077 VV2-2142 VV1-1078 VV2-2143 VV1-1079 VV2-2144 VV1-1081 VV1-1082 VV1-1084 VV1-1088 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160 VV1-1163 VV1-1164 VV1-1165 VV1-1166 VV1-1167 VV1-1168 VV1-1169 VV1-1170 VV1-1171 VV1-1172 VV1-1173 VV1-1176 VV1-1178 VV1-1179 VV1-1180 VV1-1181 VV1-1182 VV1-1183 VV1-1184 VV1-1185 VV1-1186 VV1-1188 VV1-1190
Apr-19, 5:33pm PDT

We have updated our sub-processors to add Absorb Software Inc, Adstra LLC, Cadent LLC, and Throtle Inc. Absorb is used within Veeva CDMS to provide online training for end-users. Adstra LLC, Cadent LLC, and Throtle Inc. are used within Veeva Crossix for data linkage and data distribution. You may find our full list of sub-processors at

MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) MyVeeva-US MyVeeva-EU MyVeeva-AP
Aug-6, 4:00am PDT
As part of the 23R2.0 general release for MyVeeva we are planning some production downtime to allow for some important infrastructure upgrades. The expected window is: 4am PDT - 7am PDT Sunday 6th August.
Aug-6, 7:00am PDT

Scheduled Maintenance closed.

December 09 2022,3:15pm PST
Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva China SFA Veeva Compass Veeva Mobile Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VA-EU-5 VA-EU-6 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-26 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV1-1068 VV1-1069 VV1-1073 VV1-1074 VV1-1076 VV1-1077 VV1-1078 VV1-1079 VV1-1081 VV1-1082 VV1-1084 VV1-1088 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160
Dec-9, 3:15pm PST

Veeva CRM server maintenance is required for MCCP on CRM-30. During this time, Veeva CRM MCCP functionality will be unavailable for ORGs connected to CRM-30 POD for up to 60 minutes.

Dec-9, 4:45pm PST

Scheduled Maintenance closed.

November 14 2022,9:00am PST
Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations Veeva Nitro Consumer Products Mobile Veeva Network Veeva CDMS Veeva Vault Veeva Align Veeva OpenData MyVeeva (ePRO, eConsent) Veeva China SFA Veeva Compass Veeva Mobile Veeva Sub-processors update Veeva Support Locations MC-01 NITRO-US QualityOne OD-NA MyVeeva-US VDM1 MC-20 VA-US NITRO-EU QualityOne Audit Checklists OD-EU MyVeeva-EU Vault-US PODs MC-30 NITRO-AP QualityOne Station Manager VA-US-2 VDM2 MyVeeva-AP Vault-EU PODs VDM3 ENGAGE-01 VA-US-3 Vault-AP PODs WC-36 VDM5 VA-US-SBX VA-EU VDM6 VDM20 VA-EU-2 VA-EU-3 VDM21 VA-EU-4 VA-EU-5 VA-EU-6 SANDBOX VA-EU-SBX SANDBOX2 VA-AP SANDBOX3 VA-AP-SBX SANDBOX20 SANDBOX21 CRM-20 CRM-30 SMAR-CN CRM-04 CRM-03 VV2-10 VV3-33 cdb-1 cdb-101 CRM-05 VV1-1 VV2-27 VV3-34 cdb-3 CRM-06 VV1-2 VV2-28 VV3-3048 cdb-5 CRM-08 VV1-3 VV2-29 VV3-3057 CRM-10 VV1-4 VV2-30 VV3-3064 VV1-5 VV2-31 VV3-3086 VV1-6 VV2-32 VV3-3096 VV1-7 VV2-35 VV3-3099 VV1-8 VV2-41 VV3-3120 VV1-9 VV2-44 cdb-1002 VV1-11 VV2-2047 VV3-3122 VV1-12 VV2-2050 VV3-3123 VV1-13 VV2-2056 VV3-3124 VV1-14 VV2-2060 VV3-3125 VV1-15 VV2-2063 VV1-16 VV2-2070 VV1-18 VV2-2072 VV1-19 VV2-2075 VV1-20 VV2-2080 VV1-21 VV2-2083 VV1-23 VV2-2085 VV1-24 VV2-2087 VV1-25 VV2-2091 VV1-26 VV1-38 VV2-2095 VV1-39 VV2-2097 VV1-40 VV2-2098 VV1-42 VV2-2120 VV1-43 VV2-2121 VV1-1045 VV2-2122 VV1-1046 VV2-2124 VV1-1049 VV2-2125 VV1-1051 VV2-2126 VV1-1052 VV2-2127 VV1-1053 VV2-2128 VV1-1054 VV2-2129 VV1-1055 VV2-2130 VV1-1058 VV2-2131 VV1-1061 VV2-2132 VV1-1062 VV2-2133 VV1-1065 VV2-2134 VV1-1066 VV2-2135 VV1-1067 VV1-1068 VV1-1069 VV1-1073 VV1-1074 VV1-1076 VV1-1077 VV1-1078 VV1-1079 VV1-1081 VV1-1082 VV1-1084 VV1-1088 VV1-1089 VV1-1094 VV1-1110 VV1-1111 VV1-1120 VV1-1121 VV1-1122 VV1-1124 VV1-1126 VV1-1128 VV1-1129 VV1-1130 VV1-1131 VV1-1132 VV1-1133 VV1-1135 VV1-1136 VV1-1137 VV1-1138 VV1-1140 VV1-1142 VV1-1144 VV1-1145 VV1-1146 VV1-1149 VV1-1150 VV1-1151 VV1-1152 VV1-1153 VV1-1154 VV1-1155 VV1-1156 VV1-1157 VV1-1160
Nov-14, 9:00am PST

The trust portal will be upgraded on November 14th 2022 at 9am pacific time. There will be no impact to customers. No downtime is  expected.