Veeva CRM Minor Release - Production - Europe Region

June 27 2024,5:00pm PDT

Veeva CRM Minor Release - Production - Europe Region

Status: closed
Start: June 27 2024,2:00pm PDT
End: June 27 2024,5:00pm PDT
Duration: 3 hours
Affected Components:
Veeva CRM Veeva MultiChannel & Integrations MC-01 MC-20 ENGAGE-01 CRM-20

June 27 2024,2:00pm PDT

June 27 2024,2:00pm PDT

Veeva CRM Production and Sandbox orgs will be upgraded to the 24R1.3 Minor Release. Systems are generally available during this time.

View Release Notes


June 27 2024,5:00pm PDT

June 27 2024,5:00pm PDT

Scheduled Maintenance closed.